Whether your needs are best served by our consultation or coaching services, or a hybrid combination, our approach to complex problem-solving and innovative thought process development principally draws from the methodologies developed and evolved over the last thirty years at the MIT Sloan School of Management by the following:

Peter M. Senge Ph.D. and the Society for Organizational Learning (SoL):
Mental Modeling - Surfacing and letting go of disabling mindsets
Personal Mastery - Clarifying what matters and mastering the ability to achieve it
Shared Visioning - Developing aspirations that are genuinely shared
Team Learning - Building collective intelligence, commitment & highly tuned collaborations
Systems Thinking - Seeing the whole and dealing with complexity
C. Oto Scharmer Ph.D. and MIT's Presencing Institute:
Seeing - from a different perspective
Sensing - redirecting
Presencing - connecting to the source of inspiration and alignment
Creating - vision and intention
Prototyping - embodying
Edgar Henry Schein Ph.D., a former professor, in the field of on Organizational Culture
We draw on these seminal culture detecting and crafting tools, skills, processes and practices uniquely combined with deep business experience and the talent of seasoned masters of application to catalyze and implement customer-focused culture change.
Let us know how we can help you.